Regarding downloading of some CME futures like 6A, 6B….

NinjaTrader rollover information is incorrect for futures 6A,6B and similar.
For contract 06-17, 09-17 and 12-17 a rollover year is 2016. That causes our Add-On to pick up improper contract when downloading a continuous contract. We’re working to use proper contract rollovers provided externally from our servers. In the meantime it is possible to fix that by visiting Instrument Manager:

  1. In NinjaTrader Control Center select menu item Tools -> Instrument Manager.
  2. Select instrument to edit, for example 6A.

    Click on “Edit” button.

  3. Select tab “Misc” and click on ellipses.
  4. Fix rollover year from 2016 to 2017 for instruments 06-17 and 09-17.

When a fix will be available for our Add-On you will get an automatic notification when you start Batch Replay Downloader.